b"DBCT Sustainability Strategy 2020Our Approach to SustainabilityAligning with GlobalTo ensure DBCTs Sustainability Strategy responds to global Sustainability Frameworks issues, the strategy was tested against the SDGs. Out of the17SDGs, 14 of the SDGs are more relevant than others In September 2015, world leaders adoptedtoDBCT's operation and approach to sustainability. 17 Global Goals as a set of universal goalsWhile positive contributions have been made to the that aim to address the environmental,SDGsinmost areas, the Sustainability Strategy will political and economic challenges facingguide DBCTsfocus as we continue to innovate and our world. These are known as the Unitedpursueadditionalinitiatives. Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More information on the SDGs can be found at: www.globalgoals.orgSustainable Development GoalsFocusing on Important IssuesTo ensure the Sustainability Strategy focuses on the right issues, a detailed four-stage Materiality Assessment was undertaken to identify, prioritise, validate and review material or important issues for DBCT.IDENTIFY VALIDATEA defined list of 45 material or important issues wereThe survey and interview outcomes were validated with key identifiedas part of the Gap Analysis phase of the projectsubject matter experts, including the executive management through internal consultation. ofboth organisations.PRIORITISE REVIEWThese important issues were prioritised through a surveyA review of the Assessment confirmed all material issues platform to internal and external stakeholders and via a seriespresented in the survey were considered important and of face-to-face interviews with targeted stakeholders have therefore been considered in the development including local residents and international customers. oftheSustainability Strategy.10"